Converter for one (EASY 09 and EASY 10), two (2010), or three (3010) electric pumps. Control of the main pump by INVERTER, the auxiliary pumps (2010 and 3010) controlled by relay. In the 3010 model, the two auxiliary pumps alternate. The SPEEDMATIC MASTER 101110 can communicate with other identical devices in MASTER-SLAVE mode up to a maximum of 4.
– Frequency converter for controlling the main pump.
– ART (Automatic Reset Test) function. If the device has been stopped due to the action of the dry running protection system, the ART tries to connect the pump at a scheduled interval in case the water supply has been restored.
– Automatic reset system after power interruption. The system activates in the same state it was in before the interruption, maintaining the configuration parameters.
– Automatic reset system after accidental power interruption. The system activates, maintaining the configuration parameters.
– Connection for detecting the minimum water level in the suction tank or at the network inlet. It is independent of the dry running protection system.
– Internal pressure transducer with digital indicator.
– Current intensity sensor with instant digital reading.
– Control and signaling panel.
-Operational control log. On-screen information about: working hours, start counter, or power connection counter.
– Alarm log. On-screen information about the number and type of alarms generated in the device since its start-up.
– Possibility of intervention on the PID.
– Control and safety system against overcurrents.
– Dry running protection system for the electric pump due to lack of water.
– Abnormal supply voltage.
– Short circuit.
– AIS (Anti-Ice System) function. When temperatures below 5ºC are detected, periodic recirculation of the water in the hydraulic network will be activated to prevent freezing.