Cuando se declara un incendio, para combatirlo, el agente extintor más utilizado es el agua, porque es el más abundante, barato y de más fácil manejo. Normalmente, las fuentes de agua no disponen del caudal y la presión necesaria para el correcto funcionamiento de los sistemas de extinción, siendo imprescindible instalar un equipo de presión contra incendios para mantener la presión y caudal requeridos por la instalación.



  1. CEPREVEN-R.T.2-ABA-H2O-1999.
  2. UNE 23500 – 1990.
  3. UNE 23500 – 2012 These technical rules have been in force for many years in fire protection, with accredited documents of particular relevance to the techniques associated with the project and control, both in the security and insurance sectors. These regulations define the minimum requirements to be met by these fire extinguishing systems in order to contribute to the achievement of adequate quality and efficiency guarantees.

Equipment Operation

The design pressure must be applied to the entire system. If this pressure falls below 1 bar, the jockey pump starts and stops when it reaches the nominal pressure. If the jockey cannot operate at the required flow rate and the pressure drops to 1’8 bar below the rated power, the main electric pump starts and the jockey stops; if the main electric pump fails or does not start, the pressure continues to drop and if it drops to 2’4 bar below the rated pressure, the diesel motor pump starts. The only way to stop the main pumps (electric and diesel) is manually.